Our next Annual Meeting is scheduled for September 9, 2025.

The 2022 Annual Meeting of the Members of Sac Osage Electric Cooperative, Inc., was held at the Cooperative headquarters, 4815 E. HWY 54, El Dorado Springs, Missouri, at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 13, 2022, to take action upon the following matters:
1. Report of officers, directors and committees;
2. Such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

There was one (1) nominee from each of districts 1 and 2 According to the Bylaws, Article IV, Section 4, if only one (1) person is nominated for the position of director in any district, ballots shall not be mailed and the person nominated shall be deemed elected at the Annual Meeting of the Members. Any director elected without opposition shall commence serving immediately after the election results are announced at the annual meeting of the members. The director biographical sketches are located inside the back cover of the Rural Missouri.

By order of the Board of Directors
of Sac Osage Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Tim Minehardt, Secretary


The Annual Meeting for 2021 was held on September 14, 2021. Registration opened from 9:00AM to 6:30PM. Members were able to register and collect their door prize without leaving their vehicle during this time. 1,247 members registered for the 2021 Annual meeting.

     The business meeting started just after 6:30PM. It was opened by outgoing Board President, Neale Johnson. Invocation was led by Reverend Jack Daniel and all attendees joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. The main business matter to come before the Annual Meeting was the election of directors for the Cooperative board. In district 7 Jim Murray was re-elected as no other members were nominated. In district 8 Ken Hacker was re-elected as no other members were nominated. For district 9 no members were nominated and the position will be appointed by the Board of Directors. The full report of the Annual Meeting will be available on this page in the coming weeks.

A cooperative annual meeting is one more way members have of controlling their cooperative. Each year elections are held for three of the nine cooperative districts. Members are able to hear from the General Manager and the board regarding the strength and future of the cooperative. The rules and order of the annual meeting are set down in the cooperative bylaws.